- сеть региональных торговых площадок
Rye - Рожь - Russia-China Trade Corporation, Пекин
Russia-China Trade Corporation

Wholesale deliveries of milling wheat, corn, barley, chickpeas, green lentils, wheat flour, corn flour, rapeseeds, flaxseeds, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, soybeans, - to China from Russia.

+7 (938) 868-28-97
+86 (181) 012-77-11
Контактная информация

Export Grain Corporation

Адрес: , Пекин,
Guanghua road, д.7

Телефон: +7 (938) 868-28-97

Факс: +86 (181) 012-77-11

Контактное лицо: Anna Goldberg

Схема проезда


The international agricultural enterprise "Beijing Shangban AgroTrade" ltd offers the supply of rye to the territory of the Republic of Poland within the framework of signed agreements with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency.

Quality of rye:

moisture 13%, test weight 690 g/l, gluten 25% min, impurity 2% max.

Wheat is delivered to the ports of Gdansk and Gdynia.

On terms: CIF / CFR.

The minimum batch is from 200 tons.

Maximum batch: ship batch.




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Наличие: В наличии
Артикул: rye
Дата обновления: 24 сентября 2022

© 2023, Export Grain Corporation
Адрес: , Пекин, Guanghua road, д.7 , тел. +7 (938) 868-28-97

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