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Prices of milling wheat CIF Venezuela in May 2020 - Russia-China Trade Corporation, Пекин
Russia-China Trade Corporation

Wholesale deliveries of milling wheat, corn, barley, chickpeas, green lentils, wheat flour, corn flour, rapeseeds, flaxseeds, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, soybeans, - to China from Russia.

+7 (938) 868-28-97
+86 (181) 012-77-11
Контактная информация

Export Grain Corporation

Адрес: , Пекин,
Guanghua road, д.7

Телефон: +7 (938) 868-28-97

Факс: +86 (181) 012-77-11

Контактное лицо: Anna Goldberg

Схема проезда

Prices of milling wheat CIF Venezuela in May 2020

Delivery of milling wheat (protein 12,50% and 11,50%) to ports of Venezuela. Date of delivery: May 2020....

RUSSIA - CHINA TRADE CORPORATION informs its customers about changes in prices from May 01, 2020 of milling wheat on CIF Venezuela terms with the following characteristics:

Indicators of milling wheat #3:

test weight - 750 - 770 g/l

protein – 12.50% min

moisture – 13% max

gluten - 25-27% min

grain admixture – 3% max

impurity – 1,5% max


Crop: 2019

Origin: Russian Federation

The selling price of food wheat #3 in bulk on terms CIF port of Guanta, Venezuela = $ 295 / MT

Prices of food wheat #3 in bulk on terms CIF port of La Guaira, Venezuela = from $ 300 / MT

The selling price of food wheat #3 in bulk on terms CIF port of Maracaibo, Venezuela = $ 298 / MT

Prices of milling wheat #3 in bulk on terms CIF port of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela = $ 298 / MT

The selling price of food wheat #3 in bulk on terms CIF port of Puerto Sucre, Venezuela = $ 298 / MT


Indicators of milling wheat #4:

test weight 730 - 750 g/l

protein – 11.50-12% min

moisture – 14% max

gluten - 22-24%

impurity – 2% max

grain admixture – 5% max


Crop: 2019

Origin: Russian Federation

The selling price of food wheat #4 in bulk on terms CIF port of Guanta, Venezuela = $ 290 / MT

Prices of milling wheat #4 in bulk on terms CIF port of La Guaira, Venezuela = from $ 295 / MT

The selling price of food wheat #4 in bulk on terms CIF port of Maracaibo, Venezuela = $ 292 / MT

Prices of food wheat #4 in bulk on terms CIF port of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela = $ 292 / MT

The selling price of food wheat #4 in bulk on terms CIF port of Puerto Sucre, Venezuela = $ 292 / MT


a) in bulk

b) in big bags

c) in bags 50 kg

Minimum order / vessel: from 25,000 MT

Form of payment: to be discussed with the Buyer.

All obligatory permissions, protocols and documents are available.

Prices are valid from May 01, 2020.

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Адрес: , Пекин, Guanghua road, д.7 , тел. +7 (938) 868-28-97

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