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Prices of sugar DAP Uzbekistan for July 2020 - Russia-China Trade Corporation, Пекин
Russia-China Trade Corporation

Wholesale deliveries of milling wheat, corn, barley, chickpeas, green lentils, wheat flour, corn flour, rapeseeds, flaxseeds, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, soybeans, - to China from Russia.

+7 (938) 868-28-97
+86 (181) 012-77-11
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Export Grain Corporation

Адрес: , Пекин,
Guanghua road, д.7

Телефон: +7 (938) 868-28-97

Факс: +86 (181) 012-77-11

Контактное лицо: Anna Goldberg

Схема проезда

Prices of sugar DAP Uzbekistan for July 2020

Export prices for sugar in Uzbekistan for July 2020....

The Russian-Chinese enterprise WFOE "Beijing Shangban Trade" ltd and "Novorossiysk Trade Company" JSC informs about selling export prices from June 19, 2020 for sugar with delivery to Tashkent, Uzbekistan on DAP terms.

Characteristics of white sugar:

Sugar color: white

sucrose: 99.80%

humidity: up to 0.07%

mass fraction of reducing substances-no more than 0.02%


Packing: in PP bags of 50 kg.

Batch volume for July 2020: 15,000 tons.

Minimum volume for sale: from 500 tons.

Price for sugar delivered to DAP Sary-Agach = $ 455 / ton

Selling price for sugar delivered to DAP Oasis = $450 / ton

White sugar in the port of Dubai, UAE = $ 378 / ton.

Loading into containers is possible on 03-05 July 2020.

Payment form: we accept covered non-transferable letters of credit from Uzpromstroybank, Uzpromstroybank, Asaka Bank, Agrobank and Halyk Bank or from the TOP 50 banks in the world.

The data is current until June 30, 2020.

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Адрес: , Пекин, Guanghua road, д.7 , тел. +7 (938) 868-28-97

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