- сеть региональных торговых площадок
Oats for races horses feeding - Овес - Russia-China Trade Corporation, Пекин
Russia-China Trade Corporation

Wholesale deliveries of milling wheat, corn, barley, chickpeas, green lentils, wheat flour, corn flour, rapeseeds, flaxseeds, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, soybeans, - to China from Russia.

+7 (938) 868-28-97
+86 (181) 012-77-11
Контактная информация

Export Grain Corporation

Адрес: , Пекин,
Guanghua road, д.7

Телефон: +7 (938) 868-28-97

Факс: +86 (181) 012-77-11

Контактное лицо: Anna Goldberg

Схема проезда

Oats for races horses feeding

Oats for races horses feeding
indicators of oats for races horses feeding:

protein- 12%

test weight- 540 g/l

moisture- 14% max

impurity- 2%

grain admixture- 5%

Origin: Russia

On terms:

a) FOB Novorossiysk, Russia

b) CIF ports of Persian Gulf

HS code: 1004.

100% owners. Its own production !!!

Available for sale: 3 000 MT / month

MOQ: 500 MT

Payment: LC at sight.

All obligatory permissions, protocols and documents are available.

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Наличие: В наличии
Артикул: oats.horse
Дата обновления: 27 февраля 2020
Похожие товары рубрики: Овес
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Oats for races horses feeding

Oats for races horses feeding

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© 2023, Export Grain Corporation
Адрес: , Пекин, Guanghua road, д.7 , тел. +7 (938) 868-28-97

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